+1 (269) 225-1036
North America- LEMA Institute, 120 W. Morrell St, Otsego, MI 49078 USA
Africa- LEMA Theological Seminary, Mbaitoli, Nigeria & Amuria Uganda

About Us

The History of The LEMA Institute

Leadership Education Mission Alliance- LEMA Institute was founded in August 2015 by Rev Joshua Amaezechi and two other gentlemen –Chris Palmer and Gregg Shewan as an extension of an annual Christian Leadership and Development Seminar for pastors which Rev Amaezechi started in Igboland of Nigeria in 2013. These annual Seminars were partly sponsored by the Christian Reformed World Mission (now Resonate Global Mission) and organized in partnership with area pastors and the One Degree Foundation – a Nigerian based Nongovernmental organization founded by Rev Amaezechi and coordinated by Rev Christian Ezuruike and Rev Susanna Willie. Since then, over 1000 pastors and ministry leaders have received training. The LEMA Institute in Mbaitoli has grown to become LEMA Theological Seminary, a degree awarding institution, with a study center in Amuria Uganda. Continue reading...


Christianity is exploding in Africa!
The lack of opportunities for higher education has left the church with many untrained leaders. It is believed that more than 70% of ministry leaders in Africa do not have any formal ministry training. Most of the immigrant pastors from Africa come from this pool of untrained leaders.
Without knowledge of God’s Word and a biblically trained leader to guide them, it is difficult for African Christians to live faithfully in the midst of political instability, poverty, and generations of unredeemed tribal customs. This leaves many churches in Africa vulnerable to corruption, false teaching, and ungodly worship practices.
The troubling factors mentioned above combine to create problematic ethics in ministry. All too often the corruption and abuse in the church place barriers in front of God’s lost and faithful, making it more difficult for them to live into the hope, promises, and truth that God has for His people. The cumulative result is that even while the African church is growing in numbers, it has not been able to realize anything close to its potential for sending missionaries to the world. Even in the US, the immigrant pastors struggle with a lack of informed knowledge of how to lead and share God's word in the North American context.
The LEMA Institute has been established to address these needs by providing ministry training opportunities and accountability systems so that these leaders can improve their knowledge of the Word and flourish in their ministries.


LEMA Institute Head Office is located at
First Congregational Church building, 120 W. Morrell St,
Otsego, MI 49078

Our Mission

LEMA Institute exists to equip Christian leaders in Africa as well as immigrant pastors for healthy, biblical, financially independent ministry.


Statement of Faith

The LEMA Institute teaches the truth of Scripture and fully agrees with the Statement of Faith as adopted by the National Association of Evangelicals: http://nae.net/statement-of-faith/.

Below is a statement of what we believe at LEMA. It is by no means exhaustive. It is however a guide to the things we teach, learn, and share at LEMA. Please, contact our office if you need additional information.


The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is reliable, the only authoritative and infallible source of truth for Christian doctrines and living. The Bible alone is the highest authority (Sola Scriptura). (2 Timothy 1:13, 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Psalms 119:105, 160; Proverbs 30:5-6; Isaiah 8:20; John 10:35)


There is one God, existing eternally in three distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Trinity). The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are co-equal and are one God. God the Father is the Creator, sustainer, and sovereign Ruler of the Universe. He is limitless in holiness, love, power, knowledge and wisdom. He is the eternal Father of all the redeemed. (Genesis 1:26-27; Deuteronomy 6:4, Psalms 90:2, 97; Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Corinthians 13:14) Continue reading...

And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

2 Timothy 2 vs 2


Qualified Teachers


Dynamic Students


Transformational Courses


Years Ahead

Board Of Directors


Rev Joshua Amaezechi

Position : President


Ray Wright

Position : Director


Dave Glas

Position : Chair of the Board


Emily Shumaker

Position : Member


Jeff Scheffers

Position : Member

Board of Directors Emeritus


Valerie Cunningham

Position : Board Member Emeritus


Traci Rhoades

Position : Director/Secretary to the Board


Rev Gregg Shewan

Position : Founding Board Chair


Prof Ruth Veltkamp

Position : Professor of Missions
Board Member Emeritus


Rev Paul Larbode

Position : Board Chair Emeritus


Dr Christopher L. Palmer

Position : Founding Board Member/Academic Dean


Dr Roger Sikkenga

Position : Board Member Emeritus


Late Steven Klooster

Position : Board Member Emeritus


Rev Christian Ezuruike

Position : Board Member Emeritus

Academic Board


Rev ThankGod Nwaozuzu

Position : Registrar/Dean of Students


Mrs Kechi Ofoegbu

Position : Librarian
LEMA Theological Seminary


Rev Joshua Amaezechi

Position : President


Prof Ruth Veltkamp

Position : Professor of Missions


Rev John Nnoje

Position : Visiting Professor


Dr Udo Ukeje

Position : Vocational Instructor
LEMA Theological Seminary


Rev Dr. Silent Ajoku

Position : Academic Dean
LEMA Theological Seminary


Patrick Etesot

Position : Assistant Registrar
LEMA Theological Seminary, Uganda Campus

Advisory Board


Tony Gillies

Position : Advisor


Kim Diemer
Grand Rapids

Position : Advisor


Chanel Wilson

Position : Advisor

LEMA Institute Staff


Rev Joshua Amaezechi

Position : President


Bev Towne

Position : LEMA Bookkeeper


Ebere Nnamdi

Position : ICT Consultant/Administrator


Mary Green

Position : LEMA Office Assistant