We organize annual Conferences for pastors and Ministry Leaders in Africa.
We set up Bible Institutes and Seminaries to train them in Theology, Preaching, Ministry etc
Though a programme of discipleship of the head, heart and hand, we build the capacity of our students and the host community to achieve sustainable development. The underlisted services offered at LEMA Seminary directly and indirectly impacts the community capacity for improved well being and economic growth.
Churches and missions such as LEMA need active prayer support in order to fulfil their calling in the world. The Kingdom Prayer Partners, a prayer arm of LEMA , mobilizes Chris- tian communities around the world to pray the churches, students, teachers and missionaries, especially for the ministry of the LEMA . The Kingdom Prayer Partners is regularly praying for you, our supporter! The KPP empowers the churches in the US for prayer through the National Day of Prayer, the Global Day of Prayer and other prayer events. If you want to hear more about the KPP, click on the photo: